Federal Registers
- 1953 - 10/13/2017 - 82:47772 - Nevada State Plan; Change in Level of Federal Enforcement: Private-Sector Employment on Military Bases - PDF
- 1953 - 06/02/2017 - 82:25631-25632 - California State Plan; New Operational Status Agreement - PDF
- 1953 - 01/23/2017 - 82:7867-7868 - Michigan State Plan; Change in Level of Federal Enforcement: Marine Construction - PDF
- 1953 - 01/22/2016 - 81:3825-3830 - New Jersey State Plan for State and Local Government Employees; Approval of Plan Supplements and Certification of Completion of Developmental Steps - PDF
- 1953 - 12/18/2015 - 80:78977-78978 - Streamlining of Provisions on State Plans for Occupational Safety and Health - PDF
- 1953 - 08/18/2015 - 80:49956-49968 - Streamlining of Provisions on State Plans for Occupational Safetyand Health - PDF
- 1953 - 08/18/2015 - 80:49897-49909 - Streamlining of Provisions on State Plans for Occupational Safetyand Health - PDF
- 1953 - 02/06/2015 - 80:6652-6656 - Arizona State Plan for Occupational Safety and Health - PDF
- 1953 - 08/21/2014 - 79:49465-49469 - Arizona State Plan for Occupational Safety and Health - PDF
- 1953 - 10/09/2012 - 77:61429-61430 - Agency Information Collection Activities: Announcement of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Control Numbers Under the Paperwork Reduction Act - PDF
- 1953 - 02/02/2009 - 74:5864 - Submission for OMB Review: Comment Request - PDF
- 1953 - 12/05/2005 - 70:72468-72469 - Submission for OMB Review: Comment Request - PDF
- 1953 - 05/12/2005 - 70:24947-24955 - Oregon State Plan; Final Approval Determination - PDF
- 1953 - 12/16/2004 - 69:75446-75450 - Oregon State Plan; Approval of Plan Supplements; Revised State Plan - PDF
- 1953 - 09/25/2002 - 67:60122-60130 - Changes to State Plans: Revision of Process for Submission, Review and Approval of State Plan Changes - PDF
- 1953 - 11/06/2001 - 66:56043-56048 - Changes to State Plans: Revision of Process for Submission, Review and Approval of State Plan Changes - PDF
- 1953 - 08/25/2000 - 65:51855-51859 - Oregon State Standards; Approval. - PDF
- 1953 - 05/31/2000 - 65:34738-34739 - Washington State Standards; Notice of Approval. - PDF
- 1953 - 04/18/2000 - 65:20735-20743 - Nevada State Plan; Final Approval Determination. - PDF
- 1953 - 01/12/2000 - 65:1915-1916 - Nevada State Standards; Notice of Approval - PDF
- 1953 - 01/04/1999 - 64:184-186 - Washington State Standards; Notice of Approval. - PDF
- 1953 - 01/04/1999 - 63:71656 - Oregon State Standards; Notice of Approval. - PDF
- 1953 - 12/23/1997 - 62:67096-67098 - Washington State Standards; Notice of Approval - PDF
- 1953 - 10/20/1997 - 62:54471 - New Mexico State Standards; Notice of Approval - PDF
- 1953 - 05/09/1997 - 62:25668-25671 - Puerto Rico State Standards; Notice of Approval - PDF
- 1953 - 04/08/1997 - 62:16873-16874 - Maryland State Standards; Approval - PDF
- 1953 - 01/23/1997 - 62:3532-3534 - Minnesota State Standards; Notice of Approval - PDF
- 1953 - 01/22/1997 - 62:3311-3312 - Washington State Standards; Notice of Approval - PDF
- 1953 - 08/24/1995 - 60:43969-43972 - Approved State Plans for Enforcement of State Standards;Approval of Supplements to the Nevada State Plan
- 1953 - 08/04/1995 - 60:39970-39971 - Iowa State Standards; Notice of Approval
- 1953 - 07/31/1995 - 60:39009-39011 - Oregon State Standards; Notice of Approval
- 1953 - 06/19/1995 - 60:32032-32033 - Connecticut State Standards, Notice of Approval
- 1953 - 05/08/1995 - 60:22588-22589 - Connecticut State Standards; Approval
- 1953 - 12/21/1992 - 57:60542 - Approval of Maryland State Standards
- 1953 - 07/29/1992 - 57:33528 - Approval of Minnesota State Standards
- 1953 - 07/29/1992 - 57:33527 - Approval of Iowa State Standards
- 1953 - 04/20/1992 - 57:14435 - California State Standard, Request for Public Comment
- 1953 - 04/16/1992 - 57:13384 - Approval of Utah State Standards
- 1953 - 04/14/1992 - 57:12947 - Approval of Washington State Standards
- 1953 - 04/14/1992 - 57:12946 - Approval of Vermont State Standards
- 1953 - 04/14/1992 - 57:12945 - Approval of Nevada State Standards
- 1953 - 04/14/1992 - 57:12945 - Approval of New Mexico State Standards
- 1953 - 03/17/1992 - 57:9272 - Approval of Maryland State Standards
- 1953 - 03/09/1992 - 57:8367 - Approval of Iowa State Standards
- 1953 - 12/11/1991 - 56:64647 - Approval of Vermont State Standards
- 1953 - 12/03/1991 - 56:61436 - Approval of Maryland State Standards
- 1953 - 11/01/1991 - 56:56245 - Approval of Connecticut State Standards
- 1953 - 10/18/1991 - 56:52300 - Approval of Maryland State Standards
- 1953 - 10/18/1991 - 56:52296-52299 - Approval of Iowa State Standards (2 documents)
- 1953 - 10/09/1991 - 56:50952 - Approval of New Mexico State Standards
- 1953 - 10/09/1991 - 56:50951 - Approval of Alaska State Standards
- 1953 - 07/23/1991 - 56:33770 - Approval of Utah State Standards
- 1953 - 06/18/1991 - 56:27976 - Approval of Michigan State Standards
- 1953 - 06/11/1991 - 56:26842 - Approval of Oregon State Standard for Proximity to Overhead High Voltage Lines and Equipment
- 1953 - 05/21/1991 - 56:23305 - Approval of Washington State Standards
- 1953 - 05/15/1991 - 56:22450 - Approval of Kentucky State Standards
- 1953 - 05/06/1991 - 56:20626 - Approval of Changes to Wyoming State Standard, Oil and Gas Well Drilling
- 1953 - 04/26/1991 - 56:19384 - Approval of Vermont State Standards
- 1953 - 04/26/1991 - 56:19382 - Approval of Oregon State Standards
- 1953 - 04/19/1991 - 56:16126 - Approval of South Carolina Standards
- 1953 - 03/25/1991 - 56:12395 - Approval of Wyoming State Standards
- 1953 - 03/22/1991 - 56:12279 - Approval of Maryland State Standards
- 1953 - 03/22/1991 - 56:12278 - Approval of South Carolina State Standards
- 1953 - 01/25/1991 - 56:2954 - Approval of Connecticut State Standards
- 1953 - 01/25/1991 - 56:2954 - Approval of Maryland State Standards
- 1953 - 11/16/1990 - 55:47953 - Approval of California State Standard
- 1953 - 11/14/1990 - 55:47550 - Approval of Minnesota State Standards
- 1953 - 11/09/1990 - 55:47158 - Approval of Connecticut State Standards
- 1953 - 11/05/1990 - 55:46589 - Request for Comment on Michigan State Standards
- 1953 - 10/05/1990 - 55:40955 - Approval of Maryland State Standards
- 1953 - 10/05/1990 - 55:40955 - Approval of Wyoming State Standards
- 1953 - 10/02/1990 - 55:40248 - Approval of Maryland State Standard on Occupational Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals in Laboratories.
- 1953 - 08/24/1990 - 55:34782 - Maryland State Standards Approval
- 1953 - 08/09/1990 - 55:32506-7 - Approval of Nevada State Standards
- 1953 - 08/09/1990 - 55:32505-6 - Approval of Arizona State Standards
- 1953 - 07/03/1990 - 55:27520-21 - Iowa State Standards; Notice of Approval
- 1953 - 06/12/1990 - 55:23818 - Maryland State Standards Approval
- 1953 - 06/12/1990 - 55:23818-19 - New Mexico State Standards Approval
- 1953 - 05/18/1990 - 55:20671-72 - Maryland State Standards; Approval
- 1953 - 05/11/1990 - 55:19810 - Wyoming State Standards; Notice of Approval
- 1953 - 05/11/1990 - 55:19808-10 - Iowa State Standards; Notice of Approval
- 1953 - 03/26/1990 - 55:11070-71 - Minnesota State Standards; Approval
- 1953 - 03/21/1990 - 55:10526-27 - Minnesota State Standards; Approval
- 1953 - 03/13/1990 - 55:9377-78 - Nevada State Standards; Approval
- 1953 - 03/08/1990 - 55:8620-21 - Washington State Standards; Approval
- 1953 - 02/28/1990 - 55:7055-7057 - Connecticut State Standards; Approval
- 1953 - 02/27/1990 - 55:6849 - Maryland State Standards; Approval
- 1953 - 02/21/1990 - 55:6072-73 - Iowa State Standards Approval
- 1953 - 02/05/1990 - 55:3779-80 - Alaska State Standards Approval
- 1953 - 01/24/1990 - 55:2427-28 - Maryland State Standards; Approval
- 1953 - 01/23/1990 - 55:2269-2270 - Oregon State Standards; Approval
- 1953 - 01/12/1990 - 55:1296 - Maryland State Standards; Notice of Approval
- 1953 - 12/13/1989 - 54:50452 - Oregon State Standards; approval
- 1953 - 12/12/1989 - 54:51089-90 - Oregon State Standards; Notice of Approval
- 1953 - 12/05/1989 - 54:50289-50292 - State plans; standards approval; Alaska; Maryland; Oregon; Washington
- 1953 - 09/22/1989 - 54:39063-39064 - State Standards; Alaska
- 1953 - 09/15/1989 - 54:38299-38301 - State Standards; New York State; Oregon State; Virgin Islands
- 1953 - 09/13/1989 - 54:39050-39051 - State Standards; Puerto Rico
- 1953 - 06/23/1989 - 54:26453 - State Standards- Wyoming
- 1953 - 06/16/1989 - 54:25646-7 - State Standards- Nevada
- 1953 - 05/19/1989 - 54:21684-5 - State Standards-Maryland
- 1953 - 04/24/1989 - 54:16435 - State Standards - Alaska
- 1953 - 04/18/1989 - 54:15568 - State Standards - Nevada
- 1953 - 04/18/1989 - 54:15568-9 - State Standards - Oregon
- 1953 - 04/18/1989 - 54:15567-8 - State Standards - Maryland
- 1953 - 03/03/1989 - 54:9109-11 - State Standards- Alaska
- 1953 - 03/03/1989 - 54:9044-5 - State Standards- Wyoming
- 1953 - 02/22/1989 - 54:7615-6 - State Standards- Oregon
- 1953 - 02/17/1989 - 54:7304 - State Standards
- 1953 - 02/17/1989 - 54:7303-4 - State Standards
- 1953 - 02/10/1989 - 54:6461 - State Standards
- 1953 - 01/31/1989 - 54:4923-4 - State Standards
- 1953 - 01/13/1989 - 53:1459-61 - State Standards
- 1953 - 01/13/1989 - 53:1458 - State Standards
- 1953 - 01/13/1989 - 53:1458-9 - State Standards
- 1953 - 01/13/1989 - 53:1457-8 - State Standards
- 1953 - 01/13/1989 - 53:1456-7 - State Standards
- 1953 - 10/28/1988 - 53:43786-7 - State Standards
- 1953 - 10/28/1988 - 53:43688-9 - State Standards
- 1953 - 10/14/1988 - 53:40287-8 - State Standards
- 1953 - 10/14/1988 - 53:40286 - State Standards
- 1953 - 10/14/1988 - 53:40285-6 - State Standards
- 1953 - 09/13/1988 - 53:35392-3 - State Standards
- 1953 - 09/13/1988 - 53:35392 - State Standards
- 1953 - 09/13/1988 - 53:35391-2 - State Standards
- 1953 - 09/02/1988 - 53:34121 - State Standards
- 1953 - 07/15/1988 - 53:26797-8 - State Standards
- 1953 - 07/14/1988 - 53:26690 - State Standards
- 1953 - 07/14/1988 - 53:26690-1 - State Standards
- 1953 - 06/10/1988 - 53:21938-9 - State Standards
- 1953 - 06/10/1988 - 53:21937-9 - State Standards
- 1953 - 06/10/1988 - 53:21937-9 - State Standards
- 1953 - 06/03/1988 - 53:20392 - State Standards
- 1953 - 06/03/1988 - 53:20391-2 - State Standards
- 1953 - 06/03/1988 - 53:20390-1 - State Standards
- 1953 - 06/03/1988 - 53:20389-90 - State Standards
- 1953 - 04/19/1988 - 53:12834-12835 - State Standards
- 1953 - 04/19/1988 - 53:12833-12834 - State Standards
- 1953 - 03/30/1988 - 53:10303-10304 - State Standards
- 1953 - 03/29/1988 - 53:10169 - State Standards
- 1953 - 03/29/1988 - 53:10168-69 - State Standards
- 1953 - 03/16/1988 - 53:8706 - State Standards
- 1953 - 03/16/1988 - 53:8705-8706 - State Standards
- 1953 - 03/16/1988 - 53:8704-8705 - State Standards
- 1953 - 03/16/1988 - 53:8703-8704 - State Standards
- 1953 - 12/14/1987 - 52:47462 - State Standards
- 1953 - 11/20/1987 - 52:44649 - State Standards
- 1953 - 11/17/1987 - 52:43953-54 - State Standards
- 1953 - 11/06/1987 - 52:42739-40 - State Standards
- 1953 - 10/30/1987 - 52:41793 - State Standards
- 1953 - 09/29/1987 - 52:36478-79 - State Standards
- 1953 - 09/11/1987 - 52:34437 - State Standards
- 1953 - 08/25/1987 - 52:32077 - State Standards
- 1953 - 08/25/1987 - 52:32077-78 - State Standards
- 1953 - 08/25/1987 - 52:32076-77 - State Standards
- 1953 - 08/04/1987 - 52:28878-79 - State Standards
- 1953 - 07/21/1987 - 52:27417 - State Plan
- 1953 - 07/17/1987 - 52:27081-27082 - State Standards
- 1953 - 07/17/1987 - 52:27080-27081 - State Standards
- 1953 - 07/17/1987 - 52:27080 - State Standards
- 1953 - 07/17/1987 - 52:27079-27080 - State Standards
- 1953 - 07/17/1987 - 52:27078 - State Standards
- 1953 - 07/17/1987 - 52:27078-27079 - State Standards
- 1953 - 07/17/1987 - 52:27076-27077 - State Standards
- 1953 - 06/26/1987 - 52:24073-74 - State Standards
- 1953 - 06/26/1987 - 52:24072-73 - State Standards
- 1953 - 06/16/1987 - 52:22864 - State Standards
- 1953 - 06/12/1987 - 52:22552 - State Standards
- 1953 - 05/15/1987 - 52:18487-88 - State Standards
- 1953 - 05/05/1987 - 52:16467 - State Standards
- 1953 - 05/05/1987 - 52:16466 - State Standards
- 1953 - 04/17/1987 - 52:12628-29 - State Standards
- 1953 - 04/17/1987 - 52:12628 - State Standards
- 1953 - 04/10/1987 - 52:11771 - State Standards
- 1953 - 03/04/1987 - 52:6650 - State Standards
- 1953 - 02/20/1987 - 52:5358-59 - State Standards
- 1953 - 01/16/1987 - 52:1989 - State Standards
- 1953 - 01/06/1987 - 52:470-71 - State Standards
- 1953 - 01/06/1987 - 52:469-70 - State Standards
- 1953 - 01/06/1987 - 52:468 - State Standards
- 1953 - 01/06/1987 - 52:468-69 - State Standards
- 1953 - 12/05/1986 - 51:43989 - State Standards
- 1953 - 11/12/1986 - 51:41033 - State Standards
- 1953 - 11/04/1986 - 51:40093-94 - State Standards
- 1953 - 10/28/1986 - 51:39439 - State Standards
- 1953 - 10/28/1986 - 51:39438 - State Standards
- 1953 - 10/28/1986 - 51:39437-38 - State Standards
- 1953 - 08/26/1986 - 51:30449-50 - State Standards
- 1953 - 07/16/1986 - 51:25765 - State Standards
- 1953 - 07/08/1986 - 51:246762-63 - State Standards
- 1953 - 07/08/1986 - 51:24761 - State Standards
- 1953 - 07/08/1986 - 51:24761-62 - State Standards
- 1953 - 06/27/1986 - 51:23482-83 - State Standards
- 1953 - 06/24/1986 - 51:22993 - State Standards
- 1953 - 06/24/1986 - 51:22993-94 - State Standards
- 1953 - 06/24/1986 - 51:22992-93 - State Standards
- 1953 - 05/21/1986 - 51:18675-6 - State Standards
- 1953 - 05/14/1986 - 51:17684-5 - State Standards
- 1953 - 05/09/1986 - 51:17263-4 - State Standards
- 1953 - 04/29/1986 - 51:15973 - State Standards
- 1953 - 03/28/1986 - 51:10698-99 - State Standards
- 1953 - 03/14/1986 - 51:8910-11 - State Standards
- 1953 - 03/14/1986 - 51:8909-10 - State Standards
- 1953 - 03/14/1986 - 51:8909 - State Standards
- 1953 - 03/07/1986 - 51:8051-52 - State Standards
- 1953 - 03/07/1986 - 51:8050-51 - State Standards
- 1953 - 03/07/1986 - 51:8049-50 - State Standards
- 1953 - 01/10/1986 - 51:1314 - State Standards
- 1953 - 12/20/1985 - 50:51956-57 - State Standards
- 1953 - 12/06/1985 - 50:50019-20 - State Standards
- 1953 - 11/26/1985 - 50:48656 - State Standards
- 1953 - 11/26/1985 - 50:48655-6 - State Standards
- 1953 - 11/15/1985 - 50:47298-9 - State Standards
- 1953 - 11/15/1985 - 50:47297-8 - State Standards
- 1953 - 11/08/1985 - 50:46460-3 - State Plan
- 1953 - 10/29/1985 - 50:43818-9 - State Standards
- 1953 - 10/29/1985 - 50:43817 - State Standards
- 1953 - 10/29/1985 - 50:43817 - State Standards
- 1953 - 08/16/1985 - 50:33125 - State Standards
- 1953 - 08/09/1985 - 50:32334 - State Standards
- 1953 - 08/06/1985 - 50:31793 - State Standards
- 1953 - 08/06/1985 - 50:31793-4 - State Standards
- 1953 - 08/06/1985 - 50:31792-3 - State Standards
- 1953 - 08/02/1985 - 50:31445-6 - State Standards
- 1953 - 07/25/1985 - 50:30317-8 - State Standards
- 1953 - 06/07/1985 - 50:24063 - State Standards
- 1953 - 05/21/1985 - 50:20958 - State Standards
- 1953 - 05/21/1985 - 50:20957 - State Standards
- 1953 - 03/12/1985 - 50:312 - State Standards
- 1953 - 03/08/1985 - 50:9528 - State Standards
- 1953 - 01/29/1985 - 50:3992 - State Standards
- 1953 - 01/29/1985 - 50:3992-93 - State Standards
- 1953 - 01/29/1985 - 50:3991-92 - State Standards
- 1953 - 01/29/1985 - 50:3990 - State Standards
- 1953 - 01/29/1985 - 50:3990 - State Standards
- 1953 - 01/29/1985 - 50:3989-90 - State Standards
- 1953 - 01/29/1985 - 50:3989 - State Standards
- 1953 - 01/29/1985 - 50:3988-89 - State Standards
- 1953 - 01/29/1985 - 50:3987-88 - State Standards
- 1953 - 01/29/1985 - 50:3987 - State Standards
- 1953 - 12/14/1984 - 49:48817 - State Standards
- 1953 - 12/14/1984 - 49:48816-7 - State Standards
- 1953 - 12/14/1984 - 49:48816 - State Standards
- 1953 - 12/14/1984 - 49:48815-6 - State Standards
- 1953 - 11/23/1984 - 49:46213 - State Standards
- 1953 - 11/23/1984 - 49:46213 - State Standards
- 1953 - 10/23/1984 - 49:42655 - State Standards
- 1953 - 10/23/1984 - 49:42654-5 - State Standards
- 1953 - 10/23/1984 - 49:42653-4 - State Standards
- 1953 - 09/28/1984 - 49:38380-81 - State Standards
- 1953 - 09/28/1984 - 49:38379 - State Standards
- 1953 - 09/28/1984 - 49:38379-80 - State Standards
- 1953 - 09/28/1984 - 49:38378 - State Standards
- 1953 - 09/28/1984 - 49:38378 - State Standards
- 1953 - 09/28/1984 - 49:38377 - State Standards